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《Fifteen Hours(科幻战争)》作者:[英]Mitchel Scanlon【完结】Synopsis (英文书籍文案)The stalwart troops of the Imperial Guard are the first line of defence against the nemerous foes of the Imperium. Their heroisn and courage is renowned across the galaxy and their armoured might has crushed countless rebellions and invasions. This action packed novel tells the story of a lone guardsman and his baptism of fire in a combat zone where the average expected lifespan is a mere fifteen hours. Fighting hand-to-hand against the barbarous orks, he must draw upon all of his training if he is to live to see another dawn. The horrors of war are only too real in this harrowing tale of carnage and valour!It is about one soldiers misfortune when he signs up for the Imperial Gaurd. Arivin Larn his given up his simple life of
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